Sunday, July 6, 2014

Independence Day

    When we arrived at the cemetry on the morning of July 4, a group of people had already gathered there.A man in suit was making a speech .Far off, quite a few people in uniform were standing with flags in their hands. A man was riding
 a big horse. As the speaker asked , they fired cannons two or three times. All these  brought us back to the days when United States of America was founded.
     "Soldiers in Independence War"

Each holding a different flag, standing for a state.
Making a speech in honor of one of the founders
   A parade followed , with the "soldiers"  holding the flags on either side of the path. We followed the crowd  and stopped in front of two  graves to honor the two great men in New Haven who had contributed to the founding of U.S.A. Two men,one a former mayor , the other a former navy colonel, introduced the life and exploits of the men, telling us the role of these two ancestors in the great event and their life as an ordinary man as well. I noticed the tone of casualty and humour in the solemnity and respect they show to the great parents of this country. I wonder whether this is typical of American people, that is , they try to keep themselves in a relaxed and light-hearted state when they are engagd in a serious thing. Maybe this trait explains the humor and optimistic attitude of Americans.

    The patriotism and passion of the participants reached climax when all the people sang the song God bless America and chanted prayers for America.

The participants of the celebration


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